C – cut file to zero length

Modify a file without changing its access and modification times. This is old code, all this was done in school, many years ago, no idea if it still works on modern systems.

/* should open a file, truncate it to length 0 but keep the old acces and modification time */

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <utime.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* In ISO C you can define `main' either to take no arguments, or to
 * take two arguments that represent the command line arguments to the
 * program as shown above */
 int i;
 struct stat statbuf; /* defines statbuf as a structure of type stat */
 /* struct stat {
  * dev_t         st_dev;     ( device )
  * ino_t         st_ino;     ( inode )
  * mode_t        st_mode;    ( protection )
  * nlink_t       st_nlink;   ( number of hard links )
  * uid_t         st_uid;     ( user ID of owner )
  * gid_t         st_gid;     ( group ID of owner )
  * dev_t         st_rdev;    ( device type (if inode device) )
  * off_t         st_size;    ( total size, in bytes )
  * blksize_t     st_blksize; ( blocksize for filesystem I/O )
  * blkcnt_t      st_blocks;  ( number of blocks allocated )
  * time_t        st_atime;   ( time of last access )
  * time_t        st_mtime;   ( time of last modification )
  * time_t        st_ctime;   ( time of last change )
  }; */
 struct utimbuf timebuf; /* defines timebuf as a structure of type utimbuf */
 /* struct utimbuf {
     time_t actime  ( acces time )
     time_t modtime ( modification time )
   time_t is the data type used to represent simple time.  Sometimes,
   it also represents an elapsed time.  When interpreted as a
   calendar time value, it represents the number of seconds elapsed
   since 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970, Coordinated Universal Time.*/
 for(i=1; i<argc; i++) {
  if( stat(argv[i],&statbuf) <0) /* return information about the specified file (argv[i]) into statbuf (man stat)
  daca stat() returneaza un numar < 0, adica eroare */
     printf("%s:eroare stat\n", argv[i]);
  if (open(argv[i],O_RDWR | O_TRUNC)<0) /* convert a pathname into a file descriptor then open the file read/write and truncate it to 0 (man open) */
     printf("%s:eroare open\n",argv[i]);
  if(utime(argv[i], &timebuf) <0)
     printf("%s:eroare utime\n", argv[i]);
  return 0;